

Freedom as Guruntee of Peace and Happiness - by Thwaing Ching U Marma

Note: This is a summerized assignment from P.A Payutto's books. But i explained in detail of my understanding too.

   According to Buddhism, the main aim is to find real peace and happiness. But Buddhists people search for eternal peace, and peace and happiness to be forever in them. So, they hold the concept of Nibbana. Nibbana which is considered to be eternal bliss and happiness; so, Buddhists, while on the path to searching for Nibbana, they still like to be in peace physically and mentally. It is not only Buddhists that search for happiness, but also all kinds of beings in the universe. So, in this assignment, I would add also that of freedom which is need and wanted by all. Freedom can give us much happiness within ourselves.
   In the Buddha’s word, “There is no higher happiness than peace.” However, Buddhism prescribes freedom as another synonym for peace and happiness. Only the free person can be possessed for peace and happiness. Endowed with freedom, people can live happy and peaceful lives. There are roughly four levels of freedom, the achievement of which is indispensable for the realization of peace and happiness.”[1]
  So, above we can see clearly that, Buddhism value for peace in a higher sense.

Freedom as the Guarantee of Peace and Happiness

   In this assignment, I would like to add from the article of P.A Payutto, the important concept. He mentioned four main things, which are physical Freedom, Social Freedom, emotional Freedom, and Intellectual freedom. So, it would be clearer after I explain all those four in my own words and my understanding. Let’s see now.
  1. Physical Freedom
This in another saying is Freedom in relation to the physical environment. ‘This includes freedom from lack of the basic needs of life-food, clothing, shelter and heath-care; safety from life-threatening calamities and unfavorable natural conditions; and the detached and wise use of natural recourses and technology so that we can derive benefit from them without being enslaved by them’.
   In the above paragraph, P.A Payutto wanted to say that, we need life-food, clothing, shelter and health-care which are basic necessities of life. And also he said that, we need to be safety from life-threatening calamities and unfavorable natural conditions which is needed indeed. So, he asked us to use the natural resources and technology in the proper way so that we get enough benefit without hardship later. So, this paragraph indeed is important advice for all, so that peace would be within our physical environment too.

  1. Social Freedom,
In another saying is freedom in relation to other people, the community or social environment
   “This is represented by freedom from persecution exploitation, crime and injustice, violations of human rights, violence, terrorism, and war; it is the non-violation of the Five Precepts, or in more positive terms, a harmonious relationship with neighbors, social well-being, and such values as equality, liberty, fraternity, discipline, respect for law, tolerance and cooperation.”
    So, here, what I understand is that, as to see good social environment, we need to practice Five Precepts without Violation and take positively to our harmonious relations with neighbors, set up for values of equality, liberty, fraternity, discipline, and respect for law, tolerance and cooperation. This way, a society can understand each other better and live in peace through freedom from all kinds of violence, terrorism and war.

3. Emotional freedom
 “Ideally, this refers to the state of freedom from all traces of mental defilements and suffering, the state of mind that is unshaken by worldly vicissitudes – purified, sorrow-free, secure, and profoundly happy and peacefully – which is called NibbŒna. Emotional freedom includes the absence of all kinds of mental illness and negative mental states, or, in positive terms, the presence of such beneficial mental qualities as love, compassion, mindfulness and concentration. It is perfect mental health, consisting of mental clarity and purity, peacefully and happiness.”
   Here, he wanted show us, that to be emotionally free, we have to be free from mental defilements, and some worldly vicissitudes of life which make us unhappy and worry. In Buddhism, real happiness is Nibbana. In general what I understand from the above paragraph is that, we should be free from all kinds of mental illness and negative states and think positively which are beneficial for us that are in Buddhism, love, compassion, mindfulness, and concentration. This will lead us to peaceful mind and happiness.

4. Intellectual Freedom,

    “Included in this class of freedom are unbiased learning; freedom of thoughts and judgment and the exercise of knowledge and wisdom that are free of prejudices or self-interest; and the knowledge of all things as they really are, or insight into the true nature of all things, together with the emotional freedom which is its corollary and the life-view and world-view that are based on that knowledge. These four levels of freedom can be reclassified as three by putting the third and the fourth levels together as one and the same level, called “spiritual” or “individual” freedom.”
   So, here, we can put the emotional freedom and intellectual freedom together as one and the same level called Spiritual Freedom, or Individual Freedom. Without these two Freedoms, we can’t figure out how to use our wise talents of using resources in the society. So, those two are important too. So, actually we can not say this is important or that is important. The Four levels of Freedom, P.A Payutto used here are all important because all are interrelated and interdependent.

   “The four (or three) levels of freedom are interrelated and interdependent. Without a minimal amount of physical freedom, the road to the other three levels of freedom is blocked. Without intellectual and emotional freedom, the wise use of resources, which is physical freedom, is rendered impossible. Lacking the freedom of knowledge and wisdom, the heart can not be free. In the absence of the freedom of the heart, social freedom is only a dream.”
So, here I would like to say that, venerable P.A Payutto has chosen four main levels of Freedom which important to live in peace and happiness. The way he had mentioned and categorized is much important to know.  With this fourfold freedom, real peace and real happiness, both within the mind of the individual and externally in society, are secured.
     With physical freedom, we are relatively free from the oppression of natural forces, and at the same time we do not exploit nature. Rather we make wise and unselfish use of natural resources to achieve mutual well-being for both man and nature. So we live at peace with nature. Equipped with all the facilities provided by science and technology as our servants, rather than our master, we can be said to have fulfilled the physical aspect of the good or ideal life. With this physical freedom as a foundation, we are in a good position to realize the other three aspects of freedom.

[1] Buddhist Solution For The Twenty First Century – by P.A Payutto, Translated and Compiled by Bruce Evans.

1 comment:

  1. Regarding intellectual freedom, I think it is constantly threatened by today's media and governments. Citizens are exposed to certain pieces of information in order to shape their thoughts and opinions.
    Brainwashing, white propaganda, black propaganda, forgery, are just some examples of techniques that make of free thinking a true challenge.
